Book Rec: Design is a Job

I wanted to throw out a quick recommendation of a great book - Design is a Job by Mike Monteiro. In a delightful 135 pages, Monteiro provides a fresh roadmap for how to succeed in the current design industry. Reflecting on his experiences working as a designer AND as a boss, he is able to weave the creative and business aspects of the industry together. Besides being funny and down-to-earth, Monteiro has a gift for capturing workplace phenomena - describing dynamics and situations that are so straightforward and common sense that I’ve never been able to pin them down myself!

Photo from DownInThree

Photo from DownInThree

One of the most insightful chapters for me was about new business - the biggest driver of which being referrals. It’s a beautiful cycle that starts by simply doing some good work. Usually, you’re only able to do good work if it’s something you’re passionate about and believe in. Once you’ve done some good work and fostered a positive relationship with a client, they are likely to recommend you to others in their network. Doing great work for more clients means more referrals…. and more opportunities to sharpen your craft.

Since reading this book, I’ve tried to consider the business and logistical considerations of my own creative work and reconsider how I interact with other designers. Outside of the workplace, I’ve been thinking about how putting more positive energy into my work and relationships will lead to more great work and happier relationships. It can work internally on a team or in a company. It can work for volunteer opportunities and boards. It can even work for friendships and dating!

The moral of the story: If you invest your time and energy in work that you are passionate about, good things will come!